Welcome to Wild Stroud
If you have come to this website it’s probably because you already understand the impact that the massive loss of habitat (builds, roads etc.), the overuse of chemical fertilisers and pesticides are having on our wildlife. Restoring and rebuilding is going to take time and energy. We have a dream of huge sections of the Stroud District becoming nature corridors and nature reserves providing habitat that supports the life cycles of all of our wildlife. We care about everything; the midges and aphids which provide food for birds, the worms and fungi which look after our soil, we could go on and on…

Our Urban Corridor
As patches of spaces dedicated to wildlife become more fragmented we need food and physical corridors to connect them. Add your garden to a corridor. Find out more…

Workshops and Talks
Each year we run various workshops to support people with their learning. Check out what is happening next. We also run shorter talks and walks sharing our knowledge and learning. Find out more…

Garden Assessments
Would you like some help with what to do with your garden? We will come and visit and discuss your ideas, ambitions, resources and life style and help you decide what to tackle first. Find out more…

New Home
Wild Stroud worked closely with Transition Stroud to develop GreenSeen. In order to keep it going and build on what we learned we have merged GreenSeen into our website. See all the events here…
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5 Things to Think About
What to do in Your Garden
Wild Stroud supporters and collaborators

Stroud Valleys Project

Stroud Town Council

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust

Stroud Brewery